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module cettia

A cettia client module acting as a factory to create and manage a socket.

This page already loaded the module. Open a console and type cettia.

export function open(uri: string, options?: SocketOptions): Socket

It’s the same with cettia.open([uri], options).

export function open(uris: string[], options?: SocketOptions): Socket

Creates a socket and returns it. Because it’s an asynchronous operation, the returned socket should be in connecting state and accordingly connecting event is fired. It translates uris into ones corresponding to transport one-to-one. As for each URI, a transport corresponding to the URI is created through transport factories specified by transports?: ((uri: string, options: TransportOptions) => Transport)[] option and tries a connection within the time specified by timeout:number option. If it turns out that an attempt using some URI fails, next URI is used along the same lines.

URI is used to determine a type of a transport as well as identify a name of an endpoint literally so that it should follow a specific URI format according to transport. However, some exceptions are allowed for the sake of convenience.

  • Relative URI: It’s converted into the absolute one but only available in browser.
  • URI whose scheme is http or https and which has no cettia-transport-name param: It’s translated into three URIs which correspond to WebSocket, HTTP Streaming and HTTP Long polling in order.

Simplest one.

// Assumes that it's on some page on http://example.com

Translated one of the above example.

// Then, you can change the default transport order with this way
cettia.open(["ws://example.com/cettia", "http://example.com/cettia?cettia-transport-name=stream", "http://example.com/cettia?cettia-transport-name=longpoll"]);

WebSocket transport only.

// URI format determines transport

interface SocketOptions

An interface of properties to get/set socket options. Because it extends TransportOptions, it can contain transport options as well. None of properties are required so it can be an empty object.

All possible options along with their default values.

var options = {
  // Socket options
  name: null, // browser-only
  reconnect: function(lastDelay, lastAttempts) {
    return 2 * lastDelay || 500;
  transports: [

  // Transport options
  timeout: 3000,
  xdrURL: null // browser-only

name?: string

Default: null

An identifier that uniquely specifies socket within the document. It is used for the socket of the next page to inherit the lifecycle of the socket of the current page. Accordingly, if the server caches events which couldn’t be sent to the socket of the previous page due to temporary disconnection during page navigation , it can send them to the socket of the next page on reconnection.

Extending the lifecycle to the next page.

// It works as long as they have the same `name` option even if URIs are different
var socket = cettia.open("/cettia?now=" + Date.now(), {name: "main"});
socket.on("new", function() {
  // It is called only if socket whose name is main is not found within the browsing context or deleted from the server
socket.on("open", function() {
  // With name option, variables used in open event should be available regardless of new event
  // because it's not true that new event always precedes open event

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): any

Default: Generates a geometric series with initial delay 500 and ratio 2

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): number

A function to be used to schedule reconnection. The function is called every time after the close event is fired unless it is set to false and should return a reconnection delay in milliseconds. The function receives two arguments: The last delay in milliseconds used or null at first and the total number of reconnection attempts so far.

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): boolean

A function returning false means no reconnection. It’s allowed to blend both signatures returning number and boolean.

reconnect?: boolean

No reconnection.

A Fibonacci series with first delay 500 and second delay 1000.

// Fibonacci series
var series = [0];
var reconnect = function(lastDelay) {
  // Adds 500 if it's the first time
  series.push(lastDelay || 500);
  return series[series.length - 1] + series[series.length - 2]; // 500, 1000, 1500, 2500 ...

var socket = cettia.open(uri, {reconnect: reconnect});
// Resets the series if the connection is established
socket.on("open", function() {
  series = [0];

transports?: ((uri: string, options: TransportOptions) => Transport)[]

Default: [cettia.transport.createWebSocketTransport, cettia.transport.createHttpStreamTransport, cettia.transport.createHttpLongpollTransport]

A set of transport factory. It is used to determine a transport for a given URI. Because each transport should have its own URI format, order of factories is not meaningful. The transport factory should create and return a transport object if it can handle given URI or nothing if not. By default, WebSocket transport factory, HTTP Streaming transport factory and HTTP Long polling transport factory are provided.

Using your own transport.

// A factory to create TCP transport
function createNetTransport(uri, options) {
  // Only if URI's protocol is tcp and NetSocket, an imaginary object for TCP communication, is available 
  if (/^tcp:/.test(uri) && NetSocket) {
    // Returns transport object
    return {/* skipped */};
  } else {
    // Returns nothing

cettia.open("tcp://localhost:8080", {transports: [createNetTransport]});

interface Socket

An interface representing a socket created by calling cettia.open.

close(): Socket

Closes the socket. A socket closed by this method shouldn’t be and can’t be used again.

off(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Removes a given event handler for a given event.

on(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Adds a given event handler for a given event. An added event handler is not removed unless off method is called, hence, if some event handler is added in dispatching some event, it will be added every time that that event is dispatched. So don’t call on in dispatching event of course including open. Generally, an added handler is called every time the server sends the event, but event handlers for reserved events behave differently like the following. this object of event handler refers to the socket.

connecting (): void

A pseudo event fired when a process to find working transport is started. Even though the event name is connecting but it’s not that the event is fired every time transport tries to connect to the server. It is called only when the whole process starts.

new (): void

A pseudo event fired when the server issues a new identifier for this socket. As the only event to determine the lifecycle, it stands for the beginning of the new lifecycle and the end of the old lifecycle. It would happen if it’s the first time to connect to the server so there is no corresponding socket in the server or if a connection was disconnected but reconnection doesn’t occur for a long time so the socket is deleted from the server.

open (): void

A network event fired when a connection is established and communication is possible. Even in cases where a closed socket esetablishes a new connection, the event is fired so can be fired multiple times in a single lifecylce. Also it means that disconnection and reconnection don’t affect the lifecycle of the socket and the reference to the socket.

error (error: Error): void

A message event fired every time an error has occurred. The error’s message property can be one of the following values:

  • heartbeat: A heartbeat operations failed.
  • notopened: A connection is not established yet.
  • Otherwise, all transports fail to establish a connection.

And transprot’s error event is propagated to here.

close (): void

A network event fired when a connection has been closed for any reason or couldn’t be establiahsed. It can be fired multiple times in a single lifecylce like open event but doesen’t mean the current lifecycle is maintained. If reconnection has not succeeded for a long time e.g. 1 minute, it must be deleted from the server so once successful reconnection is done, the new lifecycle will begin.

cache (args: any[]): void

A pseudo event fired if some event is sent through this socket while offline. It can be used to cache the given event and send it on next reconnection. The given parameter, args, is an arguments used to call send method. To resend it, call socket.send.apply(socket, args). FYI, it equals to socket.send(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]).

waiting (delay: number, attempts: number): void

A pseudo event fired if a reconnection has been scheduled by reconnect option. delay is the reconnection delay in milliseconds and attempts is the total number of reconnection attempts.

[event: string]: (data?: any, reply?: {resolve: (data?: any) => void; reject: (data?: any) => void}) => void

All the other event are message event which you can use for your application and fired every time the server sends that event. data is data of the server sent event and reply is a controller to reply the server and not null only if server attaches fulfilled or rejected callback. Generally this type of event is used heavily, to manage such many events systematically, use some format like URI to event naming.

Handling fulfilled and rejected callbacks.

var socket = cettia.open(uri);
// Using fulfilled or rejected callback is a kind of contract
// If some event is supposed to use such callbacks, both the server and the client should handle them
socket.on("/talk/request", function(account, reply) {
  // Imaginary helper to open dialog
  $.templates("#template").link("#dialog section", account);
  // Imaginary event to interact with user within the dialog
  $("#dialog").show().one("close", function() {
    if (this.returnValue) {
    } else {

once(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Adds a given one time event handler for a given event. An event handler shares the same signatures with on, and can be removed by off.

Adding a close event handler to the last.

var socket = cettia.open(uri);
socket.on("close", function() {
  // It's allowed to add an event handler dynamically
  socket.once("close", function() {
    // It will be executed at the end of the current event handler stacks

send(event: string, data?: any, fulfilled?: (data?: any) => void, rejected?: (data?: any) => void): Socket

Sends the event with data attaching fulfilled and rejected callbacks. If data or one of its properties is Buffer in Node or ArrayBuffer in browser, it is serialized into MessagePack and if not, it is serialized into JSON. Therefore, to handle binary in browser, msgpack-lite should be loaded in window.

If a socket is not opened, arguments used to call the method will be passed to cache event, hence, you can cache it on cache event and send it on open event.

Exchanging text data, binary data and composite data.

var socket = cettia.open(uri);
socket.on("open", function() {
  socket.send("echo", "flowersinthesand");
  if (typeof exports === "object") {
    // Node
    socket.send("echo", new Buffer("flowersinthesand"));
    socket.send("echo", {text: "flowersinthesand", binary: new Buffer("flowersinthesand")});
  } else {
    // Browser
    // From Encoding standard https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/
    var encoder = new TextEncoder();
    socket.send("echo", encoder.encode("flowersinthesand"));
    socket.send("echo", {text: "flowersinthesand", binary: encoder.encode("flowersinthesand")});
socket.on("echo", function(data) {

Finding data from the server.

var socket = cettia.open(uri);
socket.on("open", function() {
  // Using fulfilled or rejected callback is a kind of contract
  // If some event is supposed to use such callbacks, both the server and the client should handle them
  socket.send("/account/find", "flowersinthesand", function(account) {
  }, function(error) {

state(): string

Determines the current state of the socket. Possible state values are connecting, opened, closed and waiting. Note that new event, the only event determining the lifecycle, doesn’t affect the state.

Tracking the socket state

function logState() {

cettia.open(uri).on("connecting", logState).on("open", logState).on("close", logState).on("waiting", logState);

module cettia.transport

As a sub module of cettia, it is used to create and manage transport. This module is useful to those who want to write their own transport factory. If you are happy with default transport factories, you don’t need to look at it at all. The module is accessible through cettia.transport.

export function createWebSocketTransport(uri: string, options?: TransportOptions): Transport

A factory to create a WebSocket transport. WebSocket is a protocol designed for a full-duplex communications over a TCP connection. However, many coporate proxies, firewalls and antivirus softwares blocks it for some reason.

A given URI should have either ws or wss scheme. Only if browser implements WebSocket regardless of WebSocket protocol version, this factory can create and return a transport. In browser where WebSocket doesn’t support binary message or Typed Arrays are not supported, binary message can’t and shouldn’t be used.

export function createHttpStreamTransport(uri: string, options?: TransportOptions): Transport

A factory to create a HTTP Streaming transport. In streaming, the client performs a HTTP persistent connection and watches changes in response body and the server prints chunk as a message through the connection.

A given URI should have either http or https scheme and stream transport param. This factory always creates and returns a transport and the returned transport is backed up by the following host objects which are chosen according to context automatically. In browser where XMLHttpRequest 2 and Typed Arrays are not supported, binary message can’t and shouldn’t be used.

To establish read-only channel through GET method:

  • EventSource: It works if browser supports EventSource specified in Server-Sent Events. If the browser is Safari 5 or 6, it works only when same origin connection is given. By reason of the spec’s ambiguity, there is no way to determine whether a connection closed normally or not so that error event is not thrown even though the connection closed due to an error.
  • XMLHttpRequest: In case of same origin connection, it works without qualification. In case of cross origin, it works if XMLHttpRequest supports CORS. However for both cases, if the browser is Internet Explorer, the version should be equal to or higher than 10 and if the browser is Opera, the version should be equal to or higher than 13.
  • XDomainRequest: It works if xdrURL option is set and browser supports XDomainRequest, that is Internet Explorer 9-10.
  • iframe tag: It works if it’s same origin connection and browser supports ActiveXObject, namely Internet Explorer 9-10. This transport differs from the traditional Hidden Iframe in terms of fetching a response text. The traditional transport expects script tags, whereas this transport periodically polls the response body.

To establish write-only channel through POST method:

  • XMLHttpRequest: In case of same origin, it works without qualification. In case of cross origin, it works if browser supports CORS.
  • XDomainRequest: It works if xdrURL option is set and browser supports XDomainRequest, that is Internet Explorer 9-10.
  • form tag: It works alwayas but makes a clicking sound.

export function createHttpLongpollTransport(uri: string, options?: TransportOptions): Transport

A factory to create a HTTP Long polling transport. In long polling, the client performs a HTTP persistent connection and the server ends the connection with data. Then, the client receives it and performs a request again.

A given URI should have either http or https scheme and longpoll transport param. This factory always creates and returns a transport and the returned transport is backed up by the following host objects which are chosen according to context automatically. In browser where XMLHttpRequest 2 and Typed Arrays are not supported, binary message can’t and shouldn’t be used.

To establish read-only channel through GET method:

  • XMLHttpRequest: In case of same origin connection, it works without qualification. In case of cross origin, works if XMLHttpRequest supports CORS.
  • XDomainRequest: It works if xdrURL option is set and browser supports XDomainRequest, that is Internet Explorer 9-10.
  • script tag: It works always.

To establish write-only channel through POST method:

  • XMLHttpRequest: In case of same origin, it works without qualification. In case of cross origin, it works if browser supports CORS.
  • XDomainRequest: It works if xdrURL option is set and browser supports XDomainRequest, that is Internet Explorer 9-10.
  • form tag: It works alwayas but makes a clicking sound.

interface TransportOptions

An interface of properties to get/set transport options. None of properties are required so it can be an empty object.

timeout?: number

Default: 3000

A timeout value in milliseconds. It applies when a transport tries connection. If every transport fails, then the close event is fired with error event.

xdrURL? (uri: string): string

Default: null

A function used to modify a url to add session information to enable transports depending on XDomainRequest. For security reasons, the XDomainRequest excludes cookie when sending a request, so that session cannot be tracked by cookie. However, if the server supports session tracking by url, it is possible to track session by setting xdrURL.

Session tracking by modifying url

Java Servlet

cettia.open(uri, {
  // input: url?k=v
  // output: url;jsessionid=${cookie.JSESSIONID}?k=v
  xdrURL: function(uri) {
    var sid = /(?:^|; )JSESSIONID=([^;]*)/.exec(document.cookie)[1];
    return url.replace(/;jsessionid=[^\?]*|(\?)|$/, 
      ";jsessionid=" + sid + "$1");


cettia.open(uri, {
  // input: url?k=v
  // output: url?PHPSESSID=${cookie.PHPSESSID}&k=v
  xdrURL: function(uri) {
    var sid = /(?:^|; )PHPSESSID=([^;]*)/.exec(document.cookie)[1];
    return url.replace(/\?PHPSESSID=[^&]*&?|\?|$/, 
      "?PHPSESSID=" + sid + "&").replace(/&$/, "");